Brightening up a Woodland Space: Planting Daffodils

Daffodils for Woodland Planting A Narcissus 'Slim Whitman ' bulb waiting to be planted amongest its neighbors This planting is what I refer to as the drainage point. It is a narrow bed hidden near my greenhouse, that acts like the name says as a drainage point for the rest of the garden due to the overall slope of the land. In the near future it will be home to several unique woodland plants, however even with them, it is lacking in one thing and that is spring interest. To combat this lack of early spring color I have planted two daffodil cultivars. Usually it is recommended that for this kind of planting, small flowered daffodils would be best. The two I have selected are larger flowered hybrids and there is reason to what some may consider heresy. This small planting is right next to a future cut flower garden, a garden that will be exuberant in bloom in comparison to the more dab greens that this planting will consists of. As such the daffodils are a spill ...