A Exploration of the genus Calamagrostis

Inflorescence of Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' The genus Calamagrostis consists of 250 species found throughout the northern hemisphere in a variety of environments, with 12 species being natives of North America. This wide distribution has resulted in the genus duel-ability and thus its recommendation for some of the toughest of garden conditions. Members of the genus can be found in riparian glades, forest, and grasslands.The majority of this genus prefer full sun to part shade and are evergreen to semi evergreen in nature. This makes them low maintenance but also a source of refugee for overwintering invertebrates. The flowering stalks emerge late in the growing season and come in a variety of tans to more pinkish hues, overall shape however is very reminiscent to a more skinnier opener pampas grass in structure. The majority of these grasses are considered to be cool season grasses, which means majority of growth is done when cooler frost free temp...